Established by Sandy Winter in 2002, 4STEPS Therapeutic Riding Program is a 501c3 charitable organization and a PATH International Member Center and has been providing exceptional equine assisted activities and therapies for children and adults with disabilities. 4STEPS is dedicated to developing new programs to meet the needs of our growing community.
4STEPS is located in the Wicomico Forest on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 4STEPS provides outdoor equine experiences and trail rides for our participants. We have an outdoor arena, a covered arena and a sensory trails. Our well-trained solid-citizen horses serve to care for our riders and offer a chance for our participants to experience the beauty of nature on an amazing horse!
Our team of certified therapeutic riding instructors are highly qualified and skillful riders with training and experience in horsemanship and disabilities education. They are passionate about teaching and dedicated to ensuring our students receive the best possible education and experience.
Founder, Executive Director and PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI). As a an educator, Sandy has a lifetime of teaching experience and works as an advocate for our disabled community.
Loves animals, babies and nature. Certified CHA Instructor for Riders with Disabilities (IRD) and English/ Western Riding Instructor (EWI), Trail Guide Certification. Maribeth is an avid bow hunter and author.
Judy's lifelong passions are teaching and horses. Judy has been an active volunteer for over 20 years. Being a certified IRD, Trail Guide and Clinical Dietician, Judy combines her passions and shares her exceptional skills with our 4STEPS community.
Nancy O Blank, President
Judy Dzimiera, Vice President
Verena Chase, Secretary
Dick Warren, Treasurer
Sandy WInter, Executive Director
Maribeth Kulynycz
Joan Panuska
2025 Spring sessions begin
March 4th through May 24th